
We, as a company, provide end-to-end industrial IoT and Industry 4.0 solutions. These solutions are combinations of hardware, software-as-a-service and installation services. Our solutions help our customers in remotely monitoring and controlling their machines, assets, resources, appliances and sensors etc. This further helps them in ensuring business continuity, optimized operations and reduced cost of operations

Management Consulting  for Manufacturing Plants: If you are looking to get support on identifying the efficiency areas in your manufacturing process, get in touch with our expert team

Remote Fuel Monitoring in Diesel Generators, Underground Tanks, Commercial and Construction Vehicles: Engine Efficiency Parameters, Advanced GPS Tracking

Review of energy consumption in  HVAC, Transformers, Diesel Generators, Motors, Compressors, Boilers, Lighting, Water Pumping, etc. 

Highlight potential electrical hazards and areas of high energy usage through Thermography and Power Analyzers etc.